Drigg The Upcoming Drupal Based Digg Clone Confirmed For 30th December Release
Here at Social CMS Buzz we originally reported that the Upcoming Drupal Module titled Drigg would be released on the 21st December, after a code structure re-write to utilize the Drupal Voting API instead of Tony’s own Simple Karma Module Drigg is finally confirmed for release on the 30th December 2007.
Drigg is a drupal module that allows anyone to create a social voting site with similar features to Digg.com.
It took me a little longer than expected because I decided to change QUITE DRASTICALLY Drigg’s underlying structure, so that it used the VotingAPI.This meant making the simple_karma module obsolete, and actually dividing simple_karma into 3 different modules (the voting forms, the user karma and the comment promoting modules).
I rolled out Drigg 1.0. FSDaily us now using Drigg/VoringAPI, and… it works!
I just wanted to let you know that Drigg 1.0 will be out on the 30th of December.
This means two things:1) The file drigg_distr.tgz will be finally finished and working properly; the installation instructions on the site will be updated as well
2) The Drupal modules will be released formallyDrigg will come with a nice theme, easy to customise.
Drigg is a highly anticipated module for drupal that shows a lot of promise, the effort placed into the project in such a short period of ime alone is an outstanding achievement. We will have a full review of Drigg when it is released.
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Good idea, but its incompatible with the infamous CCK module : (