Drigg The Digg Like Module For Drupal Has Been Upgraded To v1.15
Drigg the digg like module for drupal has been upgraded to v1.15, bug-fixes and additions galore drigg is really shaping up nicely as an alternative to pligg for Social Voting Webmasters.
Some of the features of drigg v1.15 are below.
- Drigg now uses Drupal 5.7
- Drigg now includes the as yet undocumented RSS importer. This had never been used in a production site.
- Some new youtube-like video formats (metacafe, collegehumor, revver, veoh)
- Completely new karma infrastructure. This is actually huge… Drigg now has a plug-in architecture for Karma. Now for example it’s possible to set the system so that anybody who votes gets 0.1 karma points.
- Many Bug fixes
Drigg Home Page: http://www.drigg-code.org/
Drigg Demo: http://www.drigg.org & http://www.fsdaily.com
Drigg Download: http://drupal.org/project/drigg
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