Posts Tagged ‘social bookmarking’

Bookmarking Demon Claims It’s A Pligg Auto Submission Tool

Bookmarking Demon Claims It’s A Pligg Auto Submission Tool

Back in July 2008 we wrote an article about AutoPligg a tool which allows BlackHat type’s to submit stories automatically to thousands of pligg based websites to gain backlinks. Bookmarking Demon is yet another such tool that’s now claiming to...


Author: Lincoln on February 22nd, 2009

Category: Pligg

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WPscoop: Wordpress Social News, Bookmarking and Networking

WPscoop: Wordpress Social News, Bookmarking and Networking

WPscoop or "Wordpress Scoop" to give it's full working title is a social news, bookmarking and networking website dedicated to the Wordpress CMS blogging web application. Built using the Drigg for Drupal system WPscoop which launched around a month ago...


Author: Lincoln on September 25th, 2008

Category: Drigg, Social Networking

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Drigg Social News For Drupal Updated To V1.35

Drigg Social News For Drupal Updated To V1.35

Drigg consists of a set of modules for Drupal that allows anyone to start a digg like social news website. Over the last few months Drigg has been gaining a reputation as the most advanced system for starting your very...


Author: Lincoln on September 20th, 2008

Category: Drigg

Tags: , , , , , Social Bookmarking With A Visual Flair Social Bookmarking With A Visual Flair

We see lots of social bookmarking sites that never really distinguish themselves from the crowd and all basically look and operate the same. is one of the very few we have seen that really brings something new to the...


Author: Lincoln on September 11th, 2008

Category: Social Networking

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Anstorm: Social Bookmarking Site Launches

Anstorm: Social Bookmarking Site Launches

AntStorm is a new bookmarking tool that hopes to change the way in which we aggregate information and search for data on the Web. Think of it as a Mahalo with more involved user interaction, based on self-selecting organized groups...


Author: Lincoln on September 2nd, 2008

Category: Web News

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PressMark: Delicious Clone Social Bookmarking Using Wordpress

PressMark: Delicious Clone Social Bookmarking Using Wordpress

PressMark delicious clone is a highly customized version of the popular WordPress cms system that functions as a social bookmarking site like Delicious clone scripts like GetBoo and Scuttle have been in existence for a while but neither of...


Author: Lincoln on August 28th, 2008

Category: Wordpress

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GetBoo Open Source Clone bookmarking Engine

GetBoo Open Source Clone bookmarking Engine

Social news and bookmarking engines have become all the rage these past few years on the internet, mostly though it has been digg clone type web scripts like Pligg and Drigg that have caught the limelight. Pligg And Drigg are...


Author: Lincoln on June 14th, 2008

Category: Other CMS

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