Does DesignFloat Need To Move Away From Pligg To Survive?

designfloatlogoDesignfloat which first launched back in late 2007  was the first Pligg based social news site that i really used to any extent, back then DesignFloat was a great resource for designers and was growing in popularity at a very steady pace. Since the middle of 2008 however DesignFloat has seen some major problems wholly due to the pligg system upon which it is based completely ruining the site’s user experience, uptime, content quality and ultimately the sites overall success.

Designfloat which runs upon the flawed Pligg system is now suffering memory outages of around 120MB which has rendered the website inaccessible yet again. This is another setback for a site who in the last 12 months has moved to various servers because of server load issues, been hacked and lost it’s entire database due to a script vulnerability and been spammed about as much as one site can possibly be during it’s lifetime.

Image Of DesignFloat Error


This latest error at designfloat indicate’s that a script is consuming almost 120MB of the servers RAM upon execution, this is a huge amount of RAM for a script to consume and has caused a PHP error which in turn has rendered DesignFloat inaccessible to all. The error could be fixed by raising the amount of RAM that a PHP script is allowed to use from within the php.ini file on DesignFloat’s server but keep in mind that a huge memory limit is a poor substitute for good coding.  A poorly written script may inefficiently squander memory which can cause severe problems for frequently executed scripts as we are seeing above.

Taking into account all the terrible problems that DesignFloat has suffered since 2008 it’s still a pretty trafficked website even although the upcoming section is crammed full of spam entries, this is why we feel it’s time for DesignFloat to take the decision that should have been made several month’s ago and seriously consider moving away from the Pligg  system upon which the site is based. DesignFloat has had nothing but headaches due to the Pligg system during it’s existence and i am pretty sure DesignFloats owner Andrew like many other experienced Pligg users will have grown more disheartened and uninterested in developing the site with each of these incident’s and spam problems that it has suffered.

It’s sad to see a site which we really, really liked and could have in our opinion been one of the most successful independent social news websites on the Internet continually having problems which ruin the experience for it’s Founder and Members alike.

Do you use DesignFloat? How do you feel about all the issues it has suffered since launch leave a comment below if you have something to say.

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Author: Lincoln on April 23rd, 2009

Category: Pligg

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  1. Geoserv says:

    Design Float had great potential and started off fantastic,but with security issues and now scriptng issues, and the enormous amount of spam that riddles their upcoming pages it has lost it’s luster with me.

    Hopefully they will get it cleaned up and back to normal, but they seem to have abandoned the site as it hasn’t been updated since last year.

  2. I actually had the same problem (memory load) on my website. I uped the memory available for Pligg up to 512 MB and still got that problem. The problem is caused by a moronic option in Pligg which records to a table in the MySQL database every page view with several variables such as time of visit, IP, Page ID etc. On every page load the script tries to load that cached file (which obviously if you have a high traffic website reaches degrees of hundreds of MB in no time). The solution can be found on the Pligg forum.

  3. Geoserv says:

    I disable the Pageviews option on my sites as it grows rapidly in the database.

  4. Falcon says:

    I’m looking hard at pligg to move a 20K member forum driven site over… but have read nothing but bad things about it… and have been forever waiting on a solid version of 1.0 to be released (for themes) – But now after reading this – and others – am gunshy…. I don’t need the additional headaches –

    I looked at the other CMS’s you recommend – is their “something” that is like Pligg – but just as functional and stable? You mention DesignFloat’s need to move away from pligg – yet there’s really no solid recommendation made as to which platform would suite them better -

    If anyone has any alternative to Pligg – I’d love to hear about them…



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