WooThemes have recently released a fantastic free wordpress theme for bloggers titled Irresistible. Irresistible from WooThemes is a visually-rich personal blog, with a little bit of a multimedia focus. Incorporating some nifty video-options and widgets, Irresistible should meet all of...
Author: Lincoln on March 6th, 2009
Category: Wordpress Themes
Tags: free wordpress theme, Irresistible, woothemes
Newsport from WooThemes is a stylish magazine theme aimed at those who want a more professional feel to their site. It includes a well laid out front page that showcases all your news with images, and also a cool category...
Author: Lincoln on March 6th, 2009
Category: Wordpress Themes
Tags: newsport, premium wordpress theme, woothemes
PureType is a great new theme for wordpress from Elegant Themes thats uses the colours cream and blue to excellent affect. PureType is ideally suited more towards blog owners who want a really clean and professional look.
The idea behind PureType...
Author: Lincoln on February 17th, 2009
Category: Wordpress Themes
Tags: elegant themes, puretype, wordpress theme
WooThemes have recently released Cushy Theme a stylish business theme for wordpress. WooTheme have become renowned for their high quality premium wordpress themes with Cushy being no different in this aspect.
If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to...
Author: Lincoln on February 17th, 2009
Category: Wordpress Themes
Tags: cushy theme, wootheme, woothemes, wordpress theme
Wordpress v2.7 brought us some new features that required your theme to be updated like threaded and paged comments etc, we though it would be nice to list some of our favorite themes that are Wordpress v2.7 ready. The...
Author: Lincoln on February 10th, 2009
Category: Wordpress Themes
Tags: 2.7 themes, wordpress 2.7, Wordpress Themes, wp themes
PressMark delicious clone is a highly customized version of the popular WordPress cms system that functions as a social bookmarking site like del.icio.us. Delicious clone scripts like GetBoo and Scuttle have been in existence for a while but neither of...
Author: Lincoln on August 28th, 2008
Category: Wordpress
Tags: cms, Del.icio.us Clone, php, pressmark, social bookmarking, web application, Wordpress
With the thirst for everything social at the moment mashable has just written a cool article listing 30+ Plugins to Make Your WordPress Blog More Social. Some of the social networking plugins now available for wordpress are pretty nice, check...
Author: Lincoln on August 20th, 2008
Category: Wordpress Plugins
Tags: social plugins, Wordpress, Wordpress Plugins, wordpress social
Wordpress shows /category within it's url link output for categories, this however does nothing to help SEO and more so looks pretty ugly. Removing the category word from wordpress url structure is pretty simple and brianhoff originally wrote a short...
Author: Lincoln on August 18th, 2008
Category: Wordpress
Tags: category removal, url structure, Wordpress, wordpress category, wordpress hack, wordpress seo